Welcome to my blog!
My blog will keep you up to date with my life. I will post about school, the theatre groups I'm involved in and day to day life, really. I hope you enjoy it!

Monday 26 January 2015

Alice in Wonderland

Hey hey hey!
So, panto finished a week ago. Sad times indeed!
Opening night of 'Alice in Wonderland' was on Thursday the 15th of January, in the Careline theatre Alcalali. I can still remember the nerves I felt when I first heard the cheers and boos. We did 6 performances over 4 days, and killed them all! Nearly every night was a sell out, and I am honoured to have been able to do my first pantomime with all the amazing people who were involved. I will never forget! OH NO I WON'T!!!
 I was told that Careline has decided to do 'Aladdin' next year, so all I can say is... ROLL ON ALADDIN!
I obviously have great things to do before that (Stepping Out, Annie), but I am really excited for panto at the moment.
''Lots of love from your friend Tweedle Dum!''

Blog soon, Luke J Marriott!
                                                         (Me as Tweedle Dum!)

Friday 9 January 2015

Charlie Hebdo.

I'm pretty sure that all of you have heard about the tragic terror attacks in Paris these past few days. I am posting this in memory of the 17 innocent people who were murdered by 3 terrorists. All my thoughts and prayers are with the victim's family and friends, and may they Rest in Peace. On the other hand, I hope the 3 terrorists rot in hell for all eternity. #JeSuisCharlie
Blog soon, Luke J Marriott!

I'm back!

Hey hey hey!
So, 1st of all, HAPPY 2015! I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long, so I'll tell you what I've been up to. Since I last blogged, I have been to England with a friend and had an amazing time! I then came back and had a lovely Christmas with my family, and soon after, I fell ill with tonsillitis! I was ill for a week, and spent New Year's Eve indoors, with my cousins. This 1st week of 2015 I have rehearsed for the pantomime I am in (Alice in Wonderland) and I have started school again. Everything is going nice and smooth this year, and I hope your 2015 is going just as good!
Blog soon, Luke J Marriott!